God is Deeply in Love with Us!
Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” - John 20:29
It seems we live in a time when people need tangible proof of everything; if they can’t see or touch something or someone, it must not exist.
We don’t see oxygen, yet we believe it is there, giving us life with each breath. We don’t see peace, yet we believe it is there when we feel contentment in our souls. We don’t see loyalty, yet we believe it when our friend takes our hand while others run away. We don’t see love, yet we believe it exists through the sacrifices of parents for their children.
In all of this and more, we are blessed by the God of the universe who loves us. St. Augustine said, “What is faith, save to believe what you do not see?” He reminds us in a powerful way that we do not have to see in order to believe. In fact, our faith tells us many things when our human senses fail.
This beautiful deposit of faith that is more than 2000 years old is a remarkable gift. Christianity has remained because of God’s plan and because of the faithful. Out of our humility, let us thank God that we are counted among the faithful. And when we falter, let us ask God to strengthen our resolve to be steadfast in our faith. May we acknowledge and celebrate this gift and never be afraid to share its blessings!
He is Risen! Alleluia!
©Mary V. Pribbenow